Disadvantages of artificial teeth

The DMDL dental treatment in Kristiansand uses various methods to restore lost tooth fragments, but most patients are recommended by the dentists to consider extensions. This is explained by a number of advantages of the procedure:

1. A wide selection of technologies and materials that allow you to choose the optimal solution for each person and restore both front and back teeth.

2. High aesthetics of the result.

3. The restoration does not touch the neighboring (healthy) units, does not increase the chewing load, i.e. protects the dentition from accelerated wear and destruction.

4. Minimal trauma with the experience of DMDL doctors: the tissue in the oral cavity heals quickly without causing significant discomfort to the patient.

5. Materials used during extension are durable, aesthetic, do not change color and strength during use.

There are no such serious drawbacks to the procedure. Everything depends on the quality of the materials that the DMDL dentist will use for tooth augmentation, on the experience and professionalism of the doctor himself. A tooth can last for about 5 years, another for more than 20. For some, it can break down after a few months. It all depends on a number of subjective factors. It is also worth noting that the relationship with the patient plays a big role in this. It is necessary to follow a certain diet, the restored tooth should not experience extraneous loads, etc. In the event of a strong shock or other mechanical impact, the tooth can split again and partially collapse.

Somehow, even if after 5 or 10 years the tooth will break down again, with a timely referral to a DMDL doctor, Christians will be able to have the restoration procedure done again. In any case, it is better and economically cheaper than dentures.

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Mon – Fri at 08:00 to 20:00

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